Unit 4 Combining Functions Q & A Livestream

Today we will have a livestream for question and answer.  Here is the key for livestream:  https://youtu.be/P7-XuogWgDM

Here are the notes that we wrote today:  2020-03-27 Unit 4 Summary and Review with Q & A

Here is your Hand-in assignment on Unit 4 Combining Functions.  You may submit this by Monday, March 30th for mark.  Hand-In Assign 5 combining functions

Today is the last day of class before we go for spring break.  After spring break, we will have our Unit 4 test on combining functions.  Here are the things you need to know:

  • Test on April 6 (Monday)
  • It will be open book
  • You will have 24 hours to complete the test and submit for marks
  • Once the test is submitted, you will not be able to go back and make corrections, additions for re-submission so make sure that everything is good before you submit.


Livestream today Lesson 4 Composite Function

Today we will do a livestream of lesson 4.  Here is the NEW link:  https://youtu.be/pZ1UAX536vM

For homework, please complete the questions on page 314.

If you there are some questions that you would like me to go over and show a full solution, please let me know and I will go over them with you.

Here are the notes for this lesson.  2020-03-26 unit 4 lesson 4 composite function

Unit 4 Lesson 3 Introduction to Composite Functions

Hello everyone!  Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we try new things this week.  I just want to let you know that due to technical issues from my home, I won’t be able to do livestream.  For today, I will record the lesson (not livestream) and upload it to our blog.  I will post the video of the lesson as well as my complete notes of the lesson. Today’s lesson will be up for viewing at around 12 pm EST.

As always, you may still send me a message using our blog site and also work email.  Let me know if you have any questions and I will respond in a timely manner.

Have a great day of learning today!

2020-03-25 unit 4 lesson 3 composite functions

Unit 4 Lesson 2 Combining Functions Algebraically

Hello everyone and welcome!  Today we learned how to combine functions algebraically.  Below are the notes and the video that goes with this lesson.

I apologize that I did not notice the comments during the livestream.  I am noticed them after I ended the video.  I also noticed that the video skipped a few times.  If you still have questions about them, I will be happy to explain it over again. Let me know which one you would like me to do.

2020-03-24 unit 4 lesson 2 combining functions algebraically

Messaging and Email Information

Hello everyone!  I am receiving a few emails from different students.  When you send any message through blog or email, please make sure to identify your name.  Often times I could not determine who the email is coming from.  So please make sure to identify yourself by stating your full name so that I don’t mistaken your email as spam mail.

Thanks so much!

Unit 4 Lesson 1 Combining Functions Graphically

Today we learned about combining functions (add, subtract, multiply and divide) graphically.  We used the coordinate points to organize our work.  Here are the notes that we took and the video that go with this.

For Practice please work on page 268 questions 1-3.

Also, if you wrote the test last week on Friday, I finished marking it and I have the marks ready.  You may send me an email to find out your mark on this test.

2020-03-23 unit 4 lesson 1 combining function graphically

Plan during school suspension LiveStream

Hello students!  Thank you for doing your part in keeping everyone safe by practicing social-distancing, and for your patience and understanding.  What we are going through right now is unprecedented and I am learning daily on how I can keep students updated with school work.

I will continue posting notes and videos on our class blog.  You could also send me a message through our blog site.  You may send me your math questions and I will try to answer them in the timely manner.

My plan is to LiveStream through YouTube during our class time starting at 11:00 AM  and after the lesson I will have my blog and email open to answer any math questions that you have during this time.  I will also be available for math resource/help from 2:15 to 3:25 as well.  You have assigned questions at the end of each lesson for you to try and practice on and the final answers are located on your workbook.

Click the link for the YouTube LiveStream:  Livestream Link

There is a live chat during the LiveStream.

NOTE: (Commenting on YouTube):  You will need a YouTube account if you wish to post a comment during the live stream.  You can get a YouTube account by going to YouTube.com and clicking the ‘Sign In’ link at the top right of the page, and then follow the prompts.  You do NOT need a YouTube account to VIEW the videos, only if you wish to comment.